много фигни - Hmph... Another warlock? What's your name again?
- Zine, sir.
- Very well, Zine. I see you already learned how to summon demons from the Nether. I guess you understand the risks.
- Yeah. What of it?
- You do realise that your summoning circle is not correct?
- Why's that?
- I think you're going to figure it out sometime *wicked smile*
- Hey, you think you can just come out of nowhere and mock me?
- Out of nowhere?*chuckle* You do not understand the nature of demonic magic, yet you call yourself a warlock. What a pathetic goblin...
- Shut up!
- Okay, I guess I'll give you a hand. You see, your circle needs another set of runes...
- Who's gonna listen to you? You're just a dumb blood elf.
- You'll know my name in time. But I see, I need to prove that my advice is indeed helpful. Very well. Let me see your summoning skills.
- Bah! Easily... *whispering in demonic*
*a voidwalker comes from the Nether*
- Why have you summoned me?!
- Oh, that's just cute! A voidwalker! Would you care for a little bit of showdown? My demon against yours.
- OK!
- Very well. Flaaghun, get over here.
*a huge doomguard bursts out of the ground, engulfed in flames*
- Did you call me, Master?
- Yes. This little voidwalker over there *points at the voidwalker* must perish.
- This weakling? *doomguard walks towards the voidwalker until he's almost stepping on him. Voidwalker starts to tremble, as if in fear* Begone, you worthless maggot!
*voidwalker perishes*
- You can go back to Nether now.
- Yes, Master! *doomguard fades*
- As you can see, your demon's binding wasn't strong enough to maintain his presence before the power of my own demon. You young warlocks pursue power, while those like me are finding that demonic magic is one of the cures to their affliction...
- Y-y-y-y-y-yes...(Damn, that bigass demon was scary! If he just stepped on me with his hooves... Gulp!)
- Just add these runes to your circle *hands the scroll to Zine* and your demon's binds will be strong enough to withstand even a more powerful presense. That of, say, Kil'Jaeden *smiles*
- Who's that?
- Oh, noone... Already noone. *grins* Anyway, I will watch your success... or your downfall if that's it... from my own place. You'll find me in Silvermoon when you're ready for more training.