Say, cant you see? Everyone is dumb but me!
Очередной мануал, теперь по браузерке War of Ninjas(нет, Наруто не при чём)
ВНИМАНИЕ: English language детектед. Этот мануал будет чуть менее чем весь на английском языке. За переводом обращайтеськ гуглу ко мне в скайп.
First of all, here's a link
Alright, now lets go on to the manual itself.
Basics of the game
The game is pretty simple. You choose a team of characters(at start you only have 3, but as you proceed through the missions, you'll unlock more characters) and what you basicly have to do is just win. Each character has its unique set of abilites, and can carry one item(same, the item shop will be unlocked after one of missions). Characters are divided into three groups - Collaboration(healing, damage boost, counters and so on), Disruption(energy drainers, stunners and such things) and Assassination(do i really have to explain this one?). Now lets explain the battles. Battles can be as follows: mission battle, ladder match, private battle, quick battle. As obvious as it is, mission battle is the only one where you can get the mission requirements done. Ladder match is a fight in Battle Arena(its a location), which you recievepenis length rating and exp for. Private battle is a fight with your friend(he has to accept invitation), and quick battle is a fight against random player. On to the basics of fight now.
Each turn you will recieve 1 energy per character(dead characters are not counted as "energy sources"
. Energy is needed to perform almost all skills and use some of the items. There are four types of energy:
Agility - green energy
Strenght - red energy
Intellect - blue energy
Wisdom - white energy
Your total energy will be displayed as black.
Some of the character's moves will need black energy - it means you can choose any energy you like for that move. And you can also exchange energy - 2 of same type for the one that you need.
Now lets see those so-called moves. Each of characters has a unique set as i said earlier, but each move has its own "classes":
Type of the skill:
Melee - close combat move
Ranged - ranged combat move(hey, Cap'n)
Mental - [battle of minds! heck yes!] mental combat move(hey again Cap'n)
Tactical - some kind of aiding in defence, energy generation or healing
How fast the skill ends:
Aura - skill ends as the caster dies
Channeling - skill ends if character is somehow restrained(stunned, killed)
Instant - instant cast skill which can only be countered
Types of damage:
Physical - simple damage. Just damage!
Piercing - damage which is not reduced even if target has damage reduction skills activated on them. This type of damage can still be lowered by defense(which is not the same as reduction).
Affliction - best of them all, this type of damage ignores ALL AND ANY skills of the enemy. He just gets the damage without anything to save him except to heal the affliction(invulnerability doesnt help). There are following types of afflictions: Ki, poison, burning, bleeding. Each one needs its own method of healing.
Thats pretty much all about skills. The game depends on the right usage(timing and targeting) of skills. For example, we have a team of Niiro Yuudai, Hakumei Yabi and Gesshoku Mizuki. Yuudai can do some damage, counter all enemies at once with his invisible-until-worked Demon Vision skill, and he can perform Execution to kill off weakened enemies only for 1 red energy. Hakumei Yabi is very handy character when fighting melee and range using characters, because her preparation skill Fading Light stuns all ranged and melee skills of 1 character for 1 turn. Her Seduction of Scorpion is unending poison affliction and it also does pretty much damage thanks to piercing. She can also reduce ranged damage done to her and do 20 dmg for the first melee attacker for no energy at all! And Mizuki is one of the most frustrating characters in the game. She can stun all enemy tactics skills for 3 turns, she can do a little bit of healing+damage reduction+ignore stuns. But the most fearful ability is Dreamscape, which does 10 affliction damage, reduces ranged damage done by target by 10 and makes each target's skill cost one more blue energy. It ends when that character uses a skill... but it has no cooldown and only one blue per usage! It can hold enemy team for a VERY long time. All that affliction stacking up can bring down characters with very much HP in a few turns... And with Yuudai, if someone's below or at 30hp, that makes them as good as dead.
Oh, and almost forgot. We have ITEMS there. There are alot of them, some are useful, and some are not. When you start playing, you only have 3 items - throwing kunai, small healing potion and a smoke bomb. As you unlock the item shop, you'll be able to buy other items. Some of them are essential for some characters(like book of mentality, which makes your mental skills cost no energy on the following turn), and some are very helpful for burning enemies down or keeping defence up (Banners of Defence and Offence, which grant your character +5 melee/ranged damage for offence banner and +5 melee/ranged damage reduction for defence banner after any of your character uses a skill). Some are used in tactical schemes(throwing shurikens, which are used in the AoE-abuse team), and some just provide a nice boost(healing kit/potions/ramen bowl/ fire arrows). There are also 4 "legendary" items which you can get - Legendary Katana of Niiro, Legendary Bow of Aoiro, Shadow Cloak of Hakumei and Crystal Sphere of Gesshoku. The most useful items are the Katana and the Crystal Sphere(tho you might want to look at enemy's team first before equipping Sphere; yes thats possible), as they provide a pretty good boost to your team - Katana helps to conserve energy, and the Sphere makes every of your character uncounterable(awesome vs that Yuudai napstor :3).
OK. The basics are done, now lets go to overseeing characters(im not gonna write all the skills cuz thats alot of writing. Instead i'll make suggestions about character usage).
The first characters we get are Chiyu Jinsei, Touken Jyouzu and Omoi Yukigaaru
Very useful character granted she's the only healer in the game yet(dont forget, its BETA). Can boost energy generation and do some damage if needed(you'd want to equip her with Fire Arrows for that).
Cheap damage dealer, and he can also do some affliction damage - not much tho, the side effect of the skill is more useful(+5 ranged/melee damage recieved by the target). Dont forget that Wakizashi Strike does 45 unavoidable piercing damage!(can actually be stopped, but only with a stun).
Simple character. Tons of hp(biggest hp in game except last boss), and also he can counter melee attacks on him and reduce melee/ranged damage done to his team. Oh, and ofcourse 15dmg+stun for one red energy. Sick.
What we get next in Aoiro and Niiro villages are Niiro Jun and Aoiro Asami
Pretty decent damage dealer. He can reduce melee damage done to him while using a very good function of being able to choose target for his Enrage(20dmg for 1 random + 1 token). After he stacked up some tokens, he can do TONS of damage with his Blindspot(20 piercing dmg +10 for each token). Tho he's taking rather big time to get pumped up, with 4-5 tokens you can finish off one of enemies in one turn.
Aoiro Asami(Collaboration)
She's the core of AoE-abuse team. She can boost her teammates damage for one turn(+15 to each damaging skill used in the same turn actually, so check that her skill(Insight) is first in the chain) and stun one character for 1 random, and also do some cheap(1 green energy) damage, which you can boost by Flaming Arrows.
After we've done all their missions and unlocked them, we have some more characters! We'll be able to unlock Hakumei Shotaro, Aoiro Tadashi and Niiro Hana(in that order).
Hakumei Shotaro(Disruption)
He's got a prep skill which reduces melee damage done, and also he does alot of damage(30melee+20affliction in 2 turns). He can also reduce ranged damage done to him and one of his teammates. Works very well with banner of offence.
Aoiro Tadashi(Assassination)
Also the key character of the AoE-abuse team. Tadashi can do 35 dmg, and with his preparation used he can attack enemy's weak point for massive 55 damage!(dont mind the RIIIIIDGE RACER meme). Also for green+blue he does 25 ranged dmg to all enemies. And btw, even tho his prep can be ended by stun, it makes enemy unable to reduce damage or turn invulnerable for 2 turns!
[AoE-abuse team: Tadashi, Asami and random character(i prefer Omoi) equipped with shuriken. If you're a bit lucky, you can do 65 aoe damage in just one turn!]
Niiro Hana(Collaboration)
She's not very tough, but whats good about her is the ability to disrupt the enemy's team work with her energy draining skill. She can also make herself and one of allies invulnerable to melee/ranged skills and she can also cast 10dmg Ki affliction(which is extremely rare to be dispelled). She's also actually the only character which doesnt make a very good usage of Niiro Katana. Quite the opposite =)
Alright, after these three, we will get some more! It will be Gesshoku Mizuki, Hakumei Yabi, Aoiro Akira, and Niiro Yuudai. I wont describe Mizuki, Yabi and Yuudai since they were explained earlier, which only leaves us Akira.
Aoiro Akira(Disruption)
The perfect character to use book of mentality. She has an AoE stun combined with energy drain, and it also does affliction damage! She can boost your energy with Tactical Mastery, and she can stun one enemy for 2 turns(carefully, this is channeling skill). They'd say this is the character which you need a team for, but thats not true, Akira can be successfully used with almost all teams. (full disruption team - Yabi, Mizuki, Akira)
And the next batch of characters(also last for the BETA): Gesshoku Kazuki, Hakumei Kuro and Gesshoku Amaya.
Gesshoku Kazuki(Assassination)
VERY useful character(tho you dont see him in ladder very often). He does some cheap damage with 1 random, and then for 1 green+1random he can instantly do 35 affliction dmg to ALL of enemies which bypasses invulnerability and cannot be countered! This is also a melee skill, so imagine having him with Asami... Muhuhuh... He can also do 2 turns stun which is not channeling but will break if anyone(even enemy chars) will use any skill on the stunned one.
Hakumei Kuro(Assassination)
Very strong character. He has to do preparation, and his skills are very costy(1 blue + 1 white each). His prep doesnt need energy, it reduces melee/ranged dmg taken by 10, but he also suffers 10 affli damage per turn.(he's got 110 hp). You can equip him with book of mentality to boost his combat abilities, but i personally would use ramen to reduce that 10 affli dmg of his prep to none(ramen heals 15 hp each turn for 4 turns). His skills are 30 AoE affliction ranged damage which bypasses invulnerability and cannot be countered, and his second skill is INFINITE stun+20 affliction damage each turn(which can be broken by enemies stun tho, some ppl try to use sake on him for that sake, sorry for the typo).
Gesshoku Amaya(Collaboration)
The character you can refer to as "glass canon". She's also oftenly used with book of mentality. She can build up a pretty decent defence for herself(35hp), and counter one character for 4 turns(cannot be interrupted), but her main ability is Night Rain, which is AoE 15dmg affliction, each affected target has 1 random added to cost of all their skills. Every time one of Amaya's teammates die, this skill's cost reduced by 1 blue(when she's alone, its 1 random, so she'd always be a winner in 1on1 due to her defence and counter). But... she has VERY low hp(70HP, lowest in the game), so with a bit of luck your opponent can kill her on second turn, which is... well, unpleasant
Well, thats probably it for the guide. I think i'll post some teams here too later +)
ВНИМАНИЕ: English language детектед. Этот мануал будет чуть менее чем весь на английском языке. За переводом обращайтесь
First of all, here's a link

Alright, now lets go on to the manual itself.
Basics of the game
The game is pretty simple. You choose a team of characters(at start you only have 3, but as you proceed through the missions, you'll unlock more characters) and what you basicly have to do is just win. Each character has its unique set of abilites, and can carry one item(same, the item shop will be unlocked after one of missions). Characters are divided into three groups - Collaboration(healing, damage boost, counters and so on), Disruption(energy drainers, stunners and such things) and Assassination(do i really have to explain this one?). Now lets explain the battles. Battles can be as follows: mission battle, ladder match, private battle, quick battle. As obvious as it is, mission battle is the only one where you can get the mission requirements done. Ladder match is a fight in Battle Arena(its a location), which you recieve
Each turn you will recieve 1 energy per character(dead characters are not counted as "energy sources"

Agility - green energy
Strenght - red energy
Intellect - blue energy
Wisdom - white energy
Your total energy will be displayed as black.
Some of the character's moves will need black energy - it means you can choose any energy you like for that move. And you can also exchange energy - 2 of same type for the one that you need.
Now lets see those so-called moves. Each of characters has a unique set as i said earlier, but each move has its own "classes":
Type of the skill:
Melee - close combat move
Ranged - ranged combat move(hey, Cap'n)
Mental - [battle of minds! heck yes!] mental combat move(hey again Cap'n)
Tactical - some kind of aiding in defence, energy generation or healing
How fast the skill ends:
Aura - skill ends as the caster dies
Channeling - skill ends if character is somehow restrained(stunned, killed)
Instant - instant cast skill which can only be countered
Types of damage:
Physical - simple damage. Just damage!
Piercing - damage which is not reduced even if target has damage reduction skills activated on them. This type of damage can still be lowered by defense(which is not the same as reduction).
Affliction - best of them all, this type of damage ignores ALL AND ANY skills of the enemy. He just gets the damage without anything to save him except to heal the affliction(invulnerability doesnt help). There are following types of afflictions: Ki, poison, burning, bleeding. Each one needs its own method of healing.
Thats pretty much all about skills. The game depends on the right usage(timing and targeting) of skills. For example, we have a team of Niiro Yuudai, Hakumei Yabi and Gesshoku Mizuki. Yuudai can do some damage, counter all enemies at once with his invisible-until-worked Demon Vision skill, and he can perform Execution to kill off weakened enemies only for 1 red energy. Hakumei Yabi is very handy character when fighting melee and range using characters, because her preparation skill Fading Light stuns all ranged and melee skills of 1 character for 1 turn. Her Seduction of Scorpion is unending poison affliction and it also does pretty much damage thanks to piercing. She can also reduce ranged damage done to her and do 20 dmg for the first melee attacker for no energy at all! And Mizuki is one of the most frustrating characters in the game. She can stun all enemy tactics skills for 3 turns, she can do a little bit of healing+damage reduction+ignore stuns. But the most fearful ability is Dreamscape, which does 10 affliction damage, reduces ranged damage done by target by 10 and makes each target's skill cost one more blue energy. It ends when that character uses a skill... but it has no cooldown and only one blue per usage! It can hold enemy team for a VERY long time. All that affliction stacking up can bring down characters with very much HP in a few turns... And with Yuudai, if someone's below or at 30hp, that makes them as good as dead.
Oh, and almost forgot. We have ITEMS there. There are alot of them, some are useful, and some are not. When you start playing, you only have 3 items - throwing kunai, small healing potion and a smoke bomb. As you unlock the item shop, you'll be able to buy other items. Some of them are essential for some characters(like book of mentality, which makes your mental skills cost no energy on the following turn), and some are very helpful for burning enemies down or keeping defence up (Banners of Defence and Offence, which grant your character +5 melee/ranged damage for offence banner and +5 melee/ranged damage reduction for defence banner after any of your character uses a skill). Some are used in tactical schemes(throwing shurikens, which are used in the AoE-abuse team), and some just provide a nice boost(healing kit/potions/ramen bowl/ fire arrows). There are also 4 "legendary" items which you can get - Legendary Katana of Niiro, Legendary Bow of Aoiro, Shadow Cloak of Hakumei and Crystal Sphere of Gesshoku. The most useful items are the Katana and the Crystal Sphere(tho you might want to look at enemy's team first before equipping Sphere; yes thats possible), as they provide a pretty good boost to your team - Katana helps to conserve energy, and the Sphere makes every of your character uncounterable(awesome vs that Yuudai napstor :3).
OK. The basics are done, now lets go to overseeing characters(im not gonna write all the skills cuz thats alot of writing. Instead i'll make suggestions about character usage).
The first characters we get are Chiyu Jinsei, Touken Jyouzu and Omoi Yukigaaru
Very useful character granted she's the only healer in the game yet(dont forget, its BETA). Can boost energy generation and do some damage if needed(you'd want to equip her with Fire Arrows for that).
Cheap damage dealer, and he can also do some affliction damage - not much tho, the side effect of the skill is more useful(+5 ranged/melee damage recieved by the target). Dont forget that Wakizashi Strike does 45 unavoidable piercing damage!(can actually be stopped, but only with a stun).
Simple character. Tons of hp(biggest hp in game except last boss), and also he can counter melee attacks on him and reduce melee/ranged damage done to his team. Oh, and ofcourse 15dmg+stun for one red energy. Sick.
What we get next in Aoiro and Niiro villages are Niiro Jun and Aoiro Asami
Pretty decent damage dealer. He can reduce melee damage done to him while using a very good function of being able to choose target for his Enrage(20dmg for 1 random + 1 token). After he stacked up some tokens, he can do TONS of damage with his Blindspot(20 piercing dmg +10 for each token). Tho he's taking rather big time to get pumped up, with 4-5 tokens you can finish off one of enemies in one turn.
Aoiro Asami(Collaboration)
She's the core of AoE-abuse team. She can boost her teammates damage for one turn(+15 to each damaging skill used in the same turn actually, so check that her skill(Insight) is first in the chain) and stun one character for 1 random, and also do some cheap(1 green energy) damage, which you can boost by Flaming Arrows.
After we've done all their missions and unlocked them, we have some more characters! We'll be able to unlock Hakumei Shotaro, Aoiro Tadashi and Niiro Hana(in that order).
Hakumei Shotaro(Disruption)
He's got a prep skill which reduces melee damage done, and also he does alot of damage(30melee+20affliction in 2 turns). He can also reduce ranged damage done to him and one of his teammates. Works very well with banner of offence.
Aoiro Tadashi(Assassination)
Also the key character of the AoE-abuse team. Tadashi can do 35 dmg, and with his preparation used he can attack enemy's weak point for massive 55 damage!(dont mind the RIIIIIDGE RACER meme). Also for green+blue he does 25 ranged dmg to all enemies. And btw, even tho his prep can be ended by stun, it makes enemy unable to reduce damage or turn invulnerable for 2 turns!
[AoE-abuse team: Tadashi, Asami and random character(i prefer Omoi) equipped with shuriken. If you're a bit lucky, you can do 65 aoe damage in just one turn!]
Niiro Hana(Collaboration)
She's not very tough, but whats good about her is the ability to disrupt the enemy's team work with her energy draining skill. She can also make herself and one of allies invulnerable to melee/ranged skills and she can also cast 10dmg Ki affliction(which is extremely rare to be dispelled). She's also actually the only character which doesnt make a very good usage of Niiro Katana. Quite the opposite =)
Alright, after these three, we will get some more! It will be Gesshoku Mizuki, Hakumei Yabi, Aoiro Akira, and Niiro Yuudai. I wont describe Mizuki, Yabi and Yuudai since they were explained earlier, which only leaves us Akira.
Aoiro Akira(Disruption)
The perfect character to use book of mentality. She has an AoE stun combined with energy drain, and it also does affliction damage! She can boost your energy with Tactical Mastery, and she can stun one enemy for 2 turns(carefully, this is channeling skill). They'd say this is the character which you need a team for, but thats not true, Akira can be successfully used with almost all teams. (full disruption team - Yabi, Mizuki, Akira)
And the next batch of characters(also last for the BETA): Gesshoku Kazuki, Hakumei Kuro and Gesshoku Amaya.
Gesshoku Kazuki(Assassination)
VERY useful character(tho you dont see him in ladder very often). He does some cheap damage with 1 random, and then for 1 green+1random he can instantly do 35 affliction dmg to ALL of enemies which bypasses invulnerability and cannot be countered! This is also a melee skill, so imagine having him with Asami... Muhuhuh... He can also do 2 turns stun which is not channeling but will break if anyone(even enemy chars) will use any skill on the stunned one.
Hakumei Kuro(Assassination)
Very strong character. He has to do preparation, and his skills are very costy(1 blue + 1 white each). His prep doesnt need energy, it reduces melee/ranged dmg taken by 10, but he also suffers 10 affli damage per turn.(he's got 110 hp). You can equip him with book of mentality to boost his combat abilities, but i personally would use ramen to reduce that 10 affli dmg of his prep to none(ramen heals 15 hp each turn for 4 turns). His skills are 30 AoE affliction ranged damage which bypasses invulnerability and cannot be countered, and his second skill is INFINITE stun+20 affliction damage each turn(which can be broken by enemies stun tho, some ppl try to use sake on him for that sake, sorry for the typo).
Gesshoku Amaya(Collaboration)
The character you can refer to as "glass canon". She's also oftenly used with book of mentality. She can build up a pretty decent defence for herself(35hp), and counter one character for 4 turns(cannot be interrupted), but her main ability is Night Rain, which is AoE 15dmg affliction, each affected target has 1 random added to cost of all their skills. Every time one of Amaya's teammates die, this skill's cost reduced by 1 blue(when she's alone, its 1 random, so she'd always be a winner in 1on1 due to her defence and counter). But... she has VERY low hp(70HP, lowest in the game), so with a bit of luck your opponent can kill her on second turn, which is... well, unpleasant

Well, thats probably it for the guide. I think i'll post some teams here too later +)