
Say, cant you see? Everyone is dumb but me!
Let's see if you guys can help me out figuring WTF am i feeling right now. It's not fear. It's not disappointment. Somewhat close to despair, but man, it's not despair if i'm thinking "Meh, whatever, life goes on". And at the same moment, it feels like the world is ending.

What, should i do drugs? Drink myself into frikkin coma? Now let's be honest - I brought this shit upon myself. What kinda fucktard doesn't do his shit in time? And now I've spent a whole damn year on "doing" my stuff, and you know what? I never started. Does that mean I don't really need it? Oh hell yeah, that's exactly what it means. Then again, I DO need it. It's like, my whole life depends on it. What, am I too naive? Should i play fukken poker like Dimgo(tm)? It's not like i can't learn how to if i put my mind to it. But man. I spent, what, like, five last years trying to convince myself that i do NOT need a degree to be successful. And i did. Then why am i feeling what i'm feeling?

What I mean to say, simply put, is:
How come I'm not satisfied with the result if i knew it was coming for a hell of a long time?

I just put this through Google Translator. A little bit of lulz makes everything look brighter =)

@музыка: The Beatles - Here, There and Everywhere -> Let It Be

06.11.2011 в 08:00

Опять человек)
навскидку, я бы сказал, что тебе нужно какое-то ДЕЛО
06.11.2011 в 20:06

Say, cant you see? Everyone is dumb but me!
Дел у меня непочатый край, как тех, которыми я хотел бы заняться, так и тех, которыми бы не хотел. В этом-то и проблема.
07.11.2011 в 07:46

Опять человек)
дела, это не то. Это суета и рутина. А вот ДЕЛО, это то ради чего ты живешь в данный момент времени, о чем думаешь постоянно, то что не выходит у тебя из головы.
07.11.2011 в 08:14

Say, cant you see? Everyone is dumb but me!
N.L., возможно. Я пока такого не вижу =)
07.11.2011 в 10:29

Опять человек)
Ищи) Без этого и жизнь не жизнь
07.11.2011 в 14:02

Say, cant you see? Everyone is dumb but me!
- Гусман!
- Здесь!
- Куклман, опять вы?
- Я ищу себя!
(с) КВН, Пирамида