Say, cant you see? Everyone is dumb but me!
Arise, brother, and you shall be met with hateful stares and miserable thoughts. Your greeting shall be our final farewell. Ask and you shall not be forgiven. Trust and believe, for without faith you will see us for what we truly are. Hear us call you to come forward, and you will know it is the time of your departing. Sing with us this song of humanity, become one of us, fill us with your purpose, for we will take your formless husk and wrap it in the lies woven into the heart of our existence. Embed your essence into the inner circle of higher thought, and you will know fear and, as the blackened Abyss opens it's maw, you shall welcome it's cold embrace, for it is like a mother's grasp, dragging you to false safety and security. Draw upon your feelings, so that the rest of us may yet relish in the warmth of your fury. Bring out your true self, as it is meant to be stomped upon, and crucified. Find yourself, for our God is the mirror, and break it open. Free yourself of this world, and you will rot and decay, knowing no worry nor disturbance. Yours is the mind that feeds us. Yours is the body that carries us. We are but the reflection of a higher being, bringing long awaited oblivion as you rejoice welcoming it.